The 3rd Sobh Media Festival secretariat issued a statement on the occasion of the martyrdom of Ahmed Abu El-Rous, a Palestinian journalist and the winner of the Palestine Special Citizen Journalist Award at the 2nd edition of this event.
The statement reads as follows:
In the name of God
Nothing can best describe martyrs but immortal and honorable souls. Martyrs are like precious pearls in the vast ocean of love and the fruits of the tree of passion. The desire to become divine and be the harbinger of truth is a so tantalizing that lifts their souls to the heights of perfection and puts their names among the selfless figures that fought for justice and for saving the oppressed.
Ahmed Abu El-Rous was among the ones that moved to the land of light and glory. Throughout the unequal war and undeniable genocide of the occupying regime against the oppressed people of Gaza, as a passionate and motivated young man, he endeavored to reflect the sufferings of the people who stood up against all the shameless atrocities and crimes of the Zionists and gave “resistance” a new meaning.
Martyr Ahmed Abu El-Rous dedicated his dear life to the cause of Palestine and the liberation of his nation from the occupation of the homeland and the blood-thirsty Zionists, in the final hours before the official announcement of the ceasefire agreement. He was presented with the Palestine Special Citizen Journalist Award at the 2nd Sobh International Media Festival, that was held in less than a year ago, for documenting and bringing global attention to the iconic Palestinian grandfather, Khaled Nabhan, who called his beloved granddaughter Reem, the “Soul of the Soul.” This award means to say that the “narrative” of resistance is as effective as the “resistance” and a sharp blade that never stops tearing and severing the roots of lies, distortions and deliberate silence of the child-killing pro-Zionist media during the longest period of attacks on Gaza.
We are proud that the name of the Sobh festival was associated with his name on the eve of the victory of the resistance against the cowardly Zionist enemy; Martyr Ahmed Abu El-Rous, who was on the guest list of the 3rd edition the festival, will be dearly missed.
Secretariat of the 3rd International Media Festival, January 16, 2025
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