来伊朗参加第二届“早晨”国际媒体节阿里·肖伊卜在接受ILNA通讯社记者采访时调查了伊朗媒体报道加沙事件。 他强调了伊朗媒体用阿拉伯语提供信息的重要性,并表示:语言差异是一个非常重要的因素,伊朗媒体应该特别关注这个问题。 现在我们正在目睹巴勒斯坦和以色列之间的战争,阿拉伯语在其中发挥着至关重要的作用。 因此,我认为伊朗媒体应该专注于用阿拉伯语传播新闻,以便在全球范围内提供更清楚的信息。 当然,阿拉伯语强大的媒体是由伊朗运营的,但更多的媒体应该发挥作用,让抵抗的信息更加广泛地传播,因为在讲述真相方面仍然存在许多差距。
他指出:我认为,鉴于伊朗伊斯兰共和国的媒体力量,这是可能的,巴勒斯坦人民的信息就可以传播到全球。当然,我要感谢PRESS TV 频道的努力,自战争的第一天起就做好了通报工作。
Referring to the extensive news censorship by the Zionist regime and its media supporters, Ali Shoeib said, “As you know, the Israelis have taken control of a significant part of the world’s media, and they are trying to create news censorship and stand against the publication of the truth. We can see an example of this issue in the martyrdom of journalists who are currently present in the occupied territories to cover the news. Despite these dangers, journalists on the resistance front continue to work with determination.”
Ali Shoeib also highlighted the importance of holding media events such as the Sobh festival, saying, “The first advantage of holding such an event is the opportunity to meet a large number of journalists and media personnel from all over the world. In these meetings, they can share their news and gain an understanding of the current situation in Palestine. Moreover, many side activities are planned during the festival, which can help spread the message of the Palestinian people.”